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Rugbydump: Rassie Erasmus demonstrates why he is the unchallenged king of social media

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    South African Rugby’s Director of Rugby, Rassie Erasmus, is quite possibly rugby’s greatest character when it comes to social media.

    Unmatched by any other head coach or director of rugby, Erasmus has incorporated social media into his arsenal of skills aimed at disrupting the opposition.

    Once again at it this week, Erasmus made the rather funny move of following both the Irish and Scottish Rugby Union’s twitter accounts.

    Whilst following the two unions in normal circumstances wouldn’t be all that funny, the fact that they are currently the only two accounts he follows is brilliant.

    As most rugby fans will be aware, Ireland and Scotland will clash this evening in Paris in what is a crucial clash for both sides as well as Erasmus’s Springboks.

    Capable of producing a multitude of scenarios that could see any one of the three teams heading home before the quarterfinals, the match is essentially a knockout fixture.

    Further leaning into the pressure of the match, Erasmus, whilst presumably kicking his feet up at the Springboks base in the south of France, retweeted a post from Rugbypass.

    The post shows all of the permutations that would see Scotland qualify for the quarterfinals.

    RugbyPass not owned by World Rugby 😂 https://t.co/XX9kxqqEH1

    — Rassie Erasmus (@RassieRugby) October 7, 2023

    The fact that Erasmus would repost shows once again that he is international rugby’s master of deflection and all round funny character!


    Article information

    Author: Cody Garza

    Last Updated: 1703601842

    Views: 957

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    Author information

    Name: Cody Garza

    Birthday: 1978-10-26

    Address: 381 Ewing Islands Apt. 553, Cherylhaven, NC 10173

    Phone: +3917135701428231

    Job: IT Consultant

    Hobby: Knitting, Coffee Roasting, Gardening, Arduino, Stamp Collecting, Painting, Horseback Riding

    Introduction: My name is Cody Garza, I am a unyielding, priceless, tenacious, artistic, spirited, candid, dear person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.